Water-less Hand Cleaner
- Do not wet hands first.
- Apply Goop and rub briskly until completely liquefied.
- Rinse with water or wipe clean with a cloth.
- Multi Purpose
The Ultimate Hand cleaner and Stain Lifter Removes Stains From Washable Clothing Removes: Grease / Paint / Ink / Tar / Industrial Soils & etc. From Hands & Washable Clothes Contains An Exclusive SPOT OUT FORMULA Not Found In Any Other Hand Cleaner, Detergent, Try It For Difficult & Stubborn Stains On: Shirt Collars / Blouses / Skirts / Slacks / Vinyl / Woodwork / Canvas / Rugs add Goop liberally while fabric is dry. Rub in thoroughly. Allow to stand 20 minutes (for severe stains stand overnight then machine wash. NON-TOXIC Biodegradable.
Safety Information: